“I, too, used to run a business. I ran it for 18 months until I ran out of funds, after exhausting all my life’s savings. Great business idea, the market was huge and overwhelming. I started, I pushed it as much as I could. I served a market that consistently needed my service. To grow, I needed to inject money into the blood vessels of the business. But, I couldn’t. The resource was not available, and there was no one to help except the banks with their suicidal interest rates. Next to having a great business idea is access to funds to start and drive the business to growth” What kind of business are you hoping to start? What kind of solution will your business provide? Is there a market for your business? How do you intend to run the venture? What’s your strategy for generating revenue and eventually, profit? How much time do you need to scale the business? How much resources would you require to flight the business?