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Showing posts with the label extractive industry in Nigeria


To account for financial inflow from crude oil sale, taxes, royalties that make up majority of Nigeria’s income has been a process undertaken especially under NEITI. It however remains a challenge when recommendations are made in Oil and Gas audit reports without being enforced and implemented. Just like in the case of the 2016 NEITI report of $17.055 Billion where 13 recommendations were made which if deployed will close gaps and secure the National income to benefit every Nigerian citizen. The recommendations are still unattended to posing a challenge for the soon-to be released 2017 report, leaving oil reports open ended and unverifiable. A challenge has however been thrown to law makers to ensure compliance, on the heels of the launch of the first and only Remediation tracking app in the world oil market, the Remtrack app easily downloadable on mobile devices. This app which will soon be launched is a product of the legislative and policy advocacy mouthpiece ...

Barr. Georgina Ehuriah (MON) Now Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Mines and Steel in Nigeria

Yes, the Federal Ministry of Mines and Steel has a  newly appointed Permanent Secretary in the person of Barrister Georgina Ekeoma Ehuriah, MON as shared on their website today.

NEITI To Brief EITI Board On Impact In Nigeria

The Executive Secretary of Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI), Waziri Adio has been invited to the 40 th  EITI International Board Meeting holding in Berlin, Germany from the 28 th  to 29 th  of June 2018. The Executive Secretary is expected to brief the EITI Board on status of EITI implementation in Nigeria, including the impacts and how NEITI reports have helped to shape the on-going reforms in the oil, gas and mining sector.