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Showing posts with the label MMM

MMM Shuts Down Operations Finally

The popular Ponzi scheme, Mavrodi Mundial Moneybox (MMM), has shut down it System and operations globally after the death of its founder,  Sergey Mavrodi. Mavrodi died on March 26, 2018, and his death put uncertainty in the face of MMM global participants when the System was put on  pause mode  to honour his exit. In a statement posted on its global website on Friday, April 6, 2018, the Ponzi scheme platform said the continuation of the System operation without  Sergey Mavrodi , the ideological inspirer is “impossible and makes no sense.”

MMM Founder Sergey Mavrodi Dies Of Heart Attack

Sergey Mavrodi, the founder of MMM, a world’s largest Ponzi  scheme is  dead. According to Moskovsky Komsomolets, ​​Moscow based newspaper, Mavrodi  complained of  weakness and pain in the heart  and was hospitalized “Mavrodi was hospitalized in the 67th city hospital. He could not be saved – he died this morning”. Mavrodi became famous for the organization of the largest financial pyramid “MMM” Nigerians caught up with this Ponzi bug in 2016-2017 but many lost their investments as a result.