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Showing posts with the label killings in plateau

Blood on the Plateau - Obinna Edeh

If the land of Plateau could speak, it would be telling the Federal Government of Nigeria that it is tired of being forced to suck innocent blood. The tragedy at Plateau State has reached a monstrous level, leaving the poor tribesmen in fear of terrorists and marauders who masquerade as herdsmen. A couple of weeks ago, a group of traders returning from a village market were summarily executed by these criminals. To many Nigerians, these are not ordinary criminals, because if they were, we would have seen efforts from the state to apprehend them.  The killing in the Plateau is more of an organized crime, almost coming to the level of ethnic cleansing. There is no reason why a particular tribe in the Plateau would be targeted by these men of the underworld without a strong response from the state.