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Showing posts with the label Jumia travel

4 Surprising Traits of a Good Investment Opportunity

In today’s world, there are more and more investment opportunities opening up to potential investors. As a result, it becomes necessary for potential investors to have knowledge of some of the important traits of a good investment opportunity to help make right investments. Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency, shares 4 surprising traits of a good investment opportunity. Company is Buying Back Shares At first glance, you might think this is a sign of business that is not doing well but businesses that buy back their shares are many times doing so to increase the wealth of their current and longstanding shareholders, which prima facie makes this a more lucrative investment opportunity.

4 Totally Simple Ways to Get Out of Debt

Being in debt sucks and can be extremely stressful, however with determination and discipline, there are some simple and effective ways to get out of it. Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency, shares 4 totally simple ways to get out of debt. Determine the Amount of Debt You Have Rather than ‘bury your head in the sand’, look at the reality of the situation, go through account statements etc. and be sure of how much you owe. If your total debt seems high, just remember that from the day you make up your mind and start paying off your debts, it really can only go down from there.

Jumia's 4 Places in the World You Should Visit at Least Once

“An investment in travel is an investment in yourself.” In view of this saying, it is important to try as much as possible to travel and expose yourself to a wider world. There are so many awesome places to visit in this world, which makes it quite difficult to decide on which to visit, since chances are you cannot visit them all. To make it easier for you to decide, Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency, shares 4 awesome places in the world you should visit at least once. New Zealand New Zealand has magnificent backdrops with prehistoric forests, picturesque widespread beaches, snowclad mountains and beautiful springs. It also has a distinctive culture caused by the coexistence of the Maori and European people in the country, and is one of the easiest places to travel to because of its well-developed infrastructures and its high quality services, especially in terms of transportation.

Travel: Nigerian Travel Documentary Content Creator Jubilian Ngaruwa's Shares Exciting 7 Cities Train Adventure in 14 Days

Jubilian Ngaruwa (JubiTrip), in this exclusive interview with Jumia Travel Nigeria, talks about her exciting adventure across seven cities in the country in 14 days by train. She shares some details of the trip, talks about some of her fun and challenging experiences and eventually, based on her adventure, gives some sound advice to the government and other travelers or travelers on tourism in Nigeria. Enjoy! Please tell us a little about yourself, your name and what inspired you to become a Travel Documentary Content Creator? My name is Jubilian Ngaruwa. I am from Delta state. I am a travel writer who loves the creative world, loves to travel and tell stories. In 2015, I started writing for Hangout Nigeria. I would visit places and write reviews about them; it was from doing that that I developed an interest in travel documentary content creation. I have a vlog on youtube, Jubtrip, where I share some of my content. My interest in travel, love for creativity and love for m...