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Showing posts with the label Education in Nigeria

How UNICEF Cash Transfer Program Reviewed the Dearth of Infrastructure in Rimara School, Goronyo in Sokoto State, Nigeria

UNICEF Cash Transfer Program exposes the need for more infrastructural facilities especially chairs and table in schools in northern Nigeria. This case is on Rimara School, Goronyo in Sokoto state. Teachers explain how there is breakdown of infrastructure, calling for government's continued intervention while female students notwithstanding express happiness with the support to be in school. Listen to the full audio report by Chioma Tamunobubelabara when you CLICK HERE

Audio: Non-implementation of Language Policy Across ECD Centres Across Nigeria Making Learning Difficult

Special Report on Nigeria's Education Sector by Chioma Tamunobubelebara ICIR Nigeria Non-implementation of Language Policy Across ECD Centres Across Nigeria Making Learning Difficulties Listen to the Podcast HERE

Audio: How Low Teacher Pupil Ratio Effect Learning and Teaching - ECD Centres Across Nigeria

How Low Teacher Pupil Ratio Effect Learning and Teaching: ECD Centres Across Nigeria citymirrornews Listen to the podcast by Chioma Tamunobubelebara by clicking HERE