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Showing posts with the label Waka with Debbie

Travel: Nigerian Travel Documentary Content Creator Jubilian Ngaruwa's Shares Exciting 7 Cities Train Adventure in 14 Days

Jubilian Ngaruwa (JubiTrip), in this exclusive interview with Jumia Travel Nigeria, talks about her exciting adventure across seven cities in the country in 14 days by train. She shares some details of the trip, talks about some of her fun and challenging experiences and eventually, based on her adventure, gives some sound advice to the government and other travelers or travelers on tourism in Nigeria. Enjoy! Please tell us a little about yourself, your name and what inspired you to become a Travel Documentary Content Creator? My name is Jubilian Ngaruwa. I am from Delta state. I am a travel writer who loves the creative world, loves to travel and tell stories. In 2015, I started writing for Hangout Nigeria. I would visit places and write reviews about them; it was from doing that that I developed an interest in travel documentary content creation. I have a vlog on youtube, Jubtrip, where I share some of my content. My interest in travel, love for creativity and love for m...