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Showing posts with the label african women leaders

Communique Adopted At The End of AWLO INDUCTION 2017 held 15th December 2017

African Women in Leadership Organisation (AWLO) Induction 2017 was a series of events namely; #1Mother1Child Awareness Walk, Leadership Workshop, and Induction Dinner & Awards on 15 th   December 2017. The #1Mother1Child Awareness Walk is crucial in spreading the word about the #1Mother1Child initiative of AWLO to give children from poor backgrounds a fair chance at education. The walk constituted a huge turn up of women leaders and Young women of AWLO. Shortly after the walk was Dr. Violet Arene’s session on the Power of Purpose Driven Leadership with women leaders. This enlightening hangout engaged women leaders in practical exercises, and discussions, as Arene inspired with countless nuggets. Such as: “Self-Leadership is the prerequisite for leadership because the first person you lead is you. You are the first person who will throw yourself down, and the first person to take you to the mountain top.”

African Women In Leadership Organisation To Hold Induction 2017

Women in Leadership Organisation is the foremost organization for female leaders of African descent; for changing the narrative & building capacity of African Women in Leadership, High Level Networking, and Social Impact. In 2009, African Women in Leadership Organisation started out as the West African Women in Leadership Conference, but it’s impact has expanded to over 8 African Countries. It is also a registered 501(c) organization under the federal laws of the United States of America, officially listed with the United Nations Global Compact and currently springing in the United Kingdom. Since starting it has gained recognition from the United States Government, United Nations, Governments of African Nations. It originated from Nigeria, and has raised over 500 women leaders – AWLO members committed to the developing themselves and their community. In total AWLO is currently in 10 states of Nigeria and still expanding. Some of AWLO’s contributions to community d...