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Showing posts with the label prayer conference

Sisterhood-Africa/Global Converge For Maiden Prayer Conference In Abuja.

There is so much joy and excitement as the Sisterhood-Africa converge for their global maiden prayer conference. It is a well acknowledged fact that when women gather, great things happen and surely, this is the era of the woman.  Sisterhood Africa/Global is the first ever all female  faith based social media platform.  www. . A Nonnie Roberson  virtual  ministry. Strictly for those who desperately  desire more or a touch of God's finger. God has indeed, been gracious to the Sisterhood-AFRICA/ Global. We have seen all kinds of unthinkable and thinkable miracles. We have experienced the unbelievable yet, THERE IS MORE! There is more for the sisters to see. There is more for them to have. There is more for them to experience and that is why we are having the very first Sisterhood Global Conference.