In a world were women empowerment holds sway is a silent force led by Africa's first Male Empowerment Blogger, Jenny Chisom. Chisom since 2016 have organised live men events to talk, and runs the League of Extraordinary Men LExM group on Facebook as well as write copiously on how best men and boys can do better. She believes that no society can thrive especially women and children where most men are given to vices due to dysfunctional upbringing, wrong societal stereotypes and the idea of masculinity that makes a man not deserving of love and respect as a human unless he can bring 'something' to the table amongst others.
Recently Jenny released 12 Codes that will help every man and the men community online have caught the bug. This version is an upgrade, she said, as the first draft was made public first in July 2017.
Read the Codes below:
The LExM Code
1. I am a man, made in the image and likeness of God therefore God is my boss.
2. I acknowledge that I am a human spirit, and blessed with a WILL to choose right from wrong but I choose to live right.
3. I wake up each day with a purpose to care for, lead, and inspire people in my immediate environment and also those in the jurisdiction of my life purpose.
4. I am strong, disciplined, rich, and resourceful and in the number of men that fixes society for good.
5. I do all things in moderation because I am a leader committed to being an example at all times.
6. I have a life plan, that guides my choices, goals, jobs, earnings and relationships with others and I commit to it daily, conscious that I am accountable to my boss.
7. I commit (if I choose to marry) to raise a family that will be a solution to our world. I will show them how to earn honest living, live fit and healthy, love God and exude love at all times.
8. I am conscious and, live above the mistakes most Men I watched growing up made, and I commit to mentoring younger men too.
9. I live free from the seduction of Money, Women, Alcohol and Reputation; and free from inordinate pressures, because at all times, I am in charge.
10. I am willing to learn, relearn, and unlearn because I understand that I can always become the best version of me every other day. I am committed to self-development and self-mastery.
11. Life challenges and shortcomings are part of life and living, thus I know that I am complete as a man in all circumstances and whichever way life swings.
12. I am in tune with my emotional core and understand that I deserve love, peace of mind and care. I am emotionally mature and so treat others right.
Jenny Chisom blogs at and coaches men and boys on Value system and character for results.
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