Fellow Nigerians, I strongly believe that government has derailed significantly in Nigeria π³π¬ and we as a people must refocus it.
When our Legislators sit down and discuss in their various chambers what exactly are they discussing? Welfare of the People or Selfcare?
When the Executives sit down and prepare annual budgets what exactly are these budgets for? Welfare of the People or Selfcare?
To what extent has the ordinary Nigerians felt the impact of good governance in our country?
What exactly is Government all about in our country?
Simple basic amenities the Nigerian government cannot provide over the years yet we budget trillions of naira annually?
Government is now about how much those in government can loot our shared resources?
Government is now about how many houses those in government can acquire in Nigeria and overseas?
Government is now about whose entourage is more intimidating than the other with all sorts of exotic vehicles with brazen sirens?
Nobody is talking about ensuring that every home in Nigeria has clean pipe borne water.
Nobody is talking about the need to get 247 supplies of electricity in every home nationwide. More than 45% of Nigerians don’t have access to Electricity and the 55% that manage to have access to Electricity are in darkness 60% of the time.
Nobody is talking about rebuilding our General Hospitals and Healthcare Centres with adequate provision of Medical Personnels and Medications.
Nobody is talking about the state of our Public Schools. It is now an aberration to even think of sending one’s children to a Public School in Nigeria. Everything is falling apart.
Nobody is talking about the high level of infant mortalities and increasing untimely deaths that beseech our nation due to high rate of insecurity, armed robbers, bad roads and reckless drivers on the highways.
These issues are primary in my aspiration to the office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. This is what 2019 should be all about.
I am irreversibly committed to refocusing and redirecting government to begin to address these issues that are facing our people.
Government shouldn’t be about budgeting 70% of our fiscal budgets on recurrent expenditures for some 2.1 million beneficiaries out of 185 million citizens.
Government is about the provision of security and basic amenities to citizens. It is a means by which organizational policies are enforced, as well as a mechanism for determining the policies.
If I may ask, to what extent is our government working for us?
Wake up Nigerians. Play time is over.
You and I MUST Fix Nigeria π³π¬.
Let’s make our Country Great.
Donald Ike Igwegbu BEng., MSc., CEng., CMarEng., FIMarEST
for President Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Fellow Nigerians, I strongly believe that government has derailed significantly in Nigeria π³π¬ and we as a people must refocus it.
When our Legislators sit down and discuss in their various chambers what exactly are they discussing? Welfare of the People or Selfcare?
When the Executives sit down and prepare annual budgets what exactly are these budgets for? Welfare of the People or Selfcare?
To what extent has the ordinary Nigerians felt the impact of good governance in our country?
What exactly is Government all about in our country?
Simple basic amenities the Nigerian government cannot provide over the years yet we budget trillions of naira annually?
Government is now about how much those in government can loot our shared resources?
Government is now about how many houses those in government can acquire in Nigeria and overseas?
Government is now about whose entourage is more intimidating than the other with all sorts of exotic vehicles with brazen sirens?
Nobody is talking about ensuring that every home in Nigeria has clean pipe borne water.
Nobody is talking about the need to get 247 supplies of electricity in every home nationwide. More than 45% of Nigerians don’t have access to Electricity and the 55% that manage to have access to Electricity are in darkness 60% of the time.
Nobody is talking about rebuilding our General Hospitals and Healthcare Centres with adequate provision of Medical Personnels and Medications.
Nobody is talking about the state of our Public Schools. It is now an aberration to even think of sending one’s children to a Public School in Nigeria. Everything is falling apart.
Nobody is talking about the high level of infant mortalities and increasing untimely deaths that beseech our nation due to high rate of insecurity, armed robbers, bad roads and reckless drivers on the highways.
These issues are primary in my aspiration to the office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. This is what 2019 should be all about.
I am irreversibly committed to refocusing and redirecting government to begin to address these issues that are facing our people.
Government shouldn’t be about budgeting 70% of our fiscal budgets on recurrent expenditures for some 2.1 million beneficiaries out of 185 million citizens.
Government is about the provision of security and basic amenities to citizens. It is a means by which organizational policies are enforced, as well as a mechanism for determining the policies.
If I may ask, to what extent is our government working for us?
Wake up Nigerians. Play time is over.
You and I MUST Fix Nigeria π³π¬.
Let’s make our Country Great.
Donald Ike Igwegbu BEng., MSc., CEng., CMarEng., FIMarEST
for President Federal Republic of Nigeria.
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