Gentlemen of the press, you may wish to recall that four days ago, we informed you that organised labour was embarking on a warning strike as from Thursday, September 26, 2018, after our 14-day ultimatum to government to reconvene the meeting and conclude the work of the Tripartite National Minimum Wage Committee elapsed.
Indeed on Thursday morning, the strike action commenced and was observed across the country. We wish to appreciate our workers and affiliate unions for their commitment and determination. We similarly commend the members of the press for their vigorous and comprehensive reportage of the strike action. We thank all Nigerians for their support.
We invite you here today to inform you that we have received a firm and formal invitation to a reconvened meeting of the tripartite committee scheduled for 4th and 5th of October, 2018. We demand that this shall be the final session of the committee and that a final report will be submitted to Mr. President immediately.
In order to avail the committee the necessary conducive environment to hold this crucial meeting and conclude its work, organized labour has, after obtaining the mandate of their necessary organs, decided to suspend the strike action with effect from today, Sunday September 30th, 2018.
Once again, our commendations and appreciation go to you all who have been with us in this struggle.
We urge all our unions and state councils to maintain a high level of mobilization and readiness until the struggle for a reasonable minimum wage is achieved.
Thank you.
Organised Labour
30th September 2018
Gentlemen of the press, you may wish to recall that four days ago, we informed you that organised labour was embarking on a warning strike as from Thursday, September 26, 2018, after our 14-day ultimatum to government to reconvene the meeting and conclude the work of the Tripartite National Minimum Wage Committee elapsed.
Indeed on Thursday morning, the strike action commenced and was observed across the country. We wish to appreciate our workers and affiliate unions for their commitment and determination. We similarly commend the members of the press for their vigorous and comprehensive reportage of the strike action. We thank all Nigerians for their support.
We invite you here today to inform you that we have received a firm and formal invitation to a reconvened meeting of the tripartite committee scheduled for 4th and 5th of October, 2018. We demand that this shall be the final session of the committee and that a final report will be submitted to Mr. President immediately.
In order to avail the committee the necessary conducive environment to hold this crucial meeting and conclude its work, organized labour has, after obtaining the mandate of their necessary organs, decided to suspend the strike action with effect from today, Sunday September 30th, 2018.
Once again, our commendations and appreciation go to you all who have been with us in this struggle.
We urge all our unions and state councils to maintain a high level of mobilization and readiness until the struggle for a reasonable minimum wage is achieved.
Thank you.
Organised Labour
30th September 2018
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