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On our Interview series today, we feature a chat we had with a Nigerian Pastor in diaspora who we have followed his work from corporate service to christian discipleship and here is an excerpt from our deep but brief discussion.

TNN: Please tell us about yourself sir?

I’m Stephen Olayinka from Western Nigeria. I had my elementary and tertiary studies in Nigeria, before I left for studies in Canada for my Post graduate degree in Theology at Ambrose University, Calgary, Alberta.

TNN: How did your evangelical mission to preaching the gospel commence; we will like to have your experience as well? 

Although, I grew up as every other child, however, I was raised in the mission house by a Baptist Church pastor; Rev J. A. Ojewole of blessed memory. While leaving with him and his children, I would say; his lifestyle was a source of inspiration that helped me greatly in recognising and creating interest in the things of God.

Due to our proximity to church, by default I was mostly involved in all church activities; my core focus then was as a member of the choir, where I was till I left Nigeria for Canada. My interest in music grew and at some point, I had a music group, so the love for the kingdom work has always been in me.

When I received the call into the Ministry, I served at All Nations Full Gospel Church Calgary Alberta, Canada and HolyGhost Christian Centre London (HGCC), where I was released and sent forth to start a new work in Luton, and that had led us by His grace to Water Springs Christian Centre.

TNN: How about Watersprings Christian Centre, what is the focus of the church?

To lead people into a fully-devoted relationship with Jesus Christ, grow their faith, discover their purpose, make a difference, and inspiring HOPE through the Word of God

TNN: What business do you do aside your calling of preaching the gospel?

 I used to work as an IT Consultant as well as dealing in oil and gas but now I only focus on the Ministry

TNN: Did you study anything in school that is connected to these?

 Well…, in my first degree, I studied Banking & Finance and worked in the banking industry in Nigeria until 2004 when I furthered to Ambrose University College, Alberta Calgary, Canada where I obtained Master of Arts (M.A) in Leadership & Ministry.

TNN: What does it feel like answering the call to preach and its acceptability from your immediate family?

I thank God for counting me worthy for His work. It's been exhilarating at the same time very demanding, but more importantly my wife & kids have been very supportive and encouraged in several ways that can’t be printed or explained; my wife is very understanding and highly helpful to the glory of God!

TNN: When and how do you unwind?

My number one calling is to our family, so we can't afford to neglect them; we go on vacations and sometimes during bank holidays, we eat out and attend functions.

To be interviewed here, send us an email


  1. This is just a great chance to talk to the pastor directly, using an eye-to-eye contact. Thank you very much for letting me know.


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